Monday, February 11, 2008

Chronotherm Iv Blank Screen

Scar vs

Very good all over again, I am going to escrbir about a discovery that has to do with the repair process of the skin to be a wound. This finding has been done by a group of British scientists, and consists of a molecule called osteopontin, which interfere on it, could accelerate the healing process, both in the skin and internal organs.
The repair of any tissue requires an inflammatory response can stimulate white blood cell delivery to the wound site. These defensive cells not only protect the area from infection, but in the production of a substance called fibrous collagen.
collagen involved in wound healing, forming layers of fibrous tissue to repair the damaged area. However, this inflammatory process induced scars usually appear the same substance, since the layers of overlapping fibers are not identical to those he had before the injury. This can also lead to the development of fibrosis, ie, irregular tissue that forms around the scar and in the inner layers of the skin.
Led by Paul Martin, specialists from the University of Bristol (UK) have found in experiments with mice that the inflammatory response that triggers defensive cells with the intention to heal a wound leads to increased levels of osteopontin. And, more importantly, it is possible to reduce the levels of this molecule by some external agent to accelerate the regeneration of the skin. Specifically
these experts say that the deactivation of osteopontin accelerated the formation of blood vessels around the injury in rodents, resulting in faster healing. At the same time, this local action is possible that new layers of collagen are best managed, making it to have fewer scars.
Now a company is conducting clinical trials with patients, though, they say, it will take time to take a drug.