Sunday, March 20, 2011

Home Depot L Shaped Shower Curtain Rod Winnipeg


HAMLET The Metamorphosis

Sala "Top of Rivas" America 308
Functions: Saturday 20:30 pm DGOS. 20 h.
Cast: Gabriela Toscano, Mercedes Spangenberg, Catherine Biquard, Adriana Marques, Cecilia Delatorre, Paul Rinaldi, Silvio Shuberoff, Jorge Lifschitz, Andrés Portaluppi, Michael Shomron, Carlos Rivas. Address
Carlos Rivas.

William Shakespeare through the reality of England in 1600, with its magnificent dialectic of word and confronts us with deep moral and ethical dilemmas of the human condition in this case with a different look to the central character in nature stopping female. HAMLET
In this drama delves into the passions mobilized to be: violence, adultery, betrayal, revenge and the boundary between reason and madness.
is the story of Prince Hamlet, son of Gertrude and King Hamlet, who has just lost his father and does not accept that his mother has married his uncle Claudius and he inherited the throne quickly. Two ghostly
King Insite killed him uncover the truth and pointing to his brother as the person responsible for poisoning him cunningly, taking the kingdom and his wife.
Amid a climate of intrigue, the young prince led by its purposes, enters a state of alienation, she spurns the love of Ophelia, focuses on meditation and reading and a succession of desperate action outlines a plan.
manages to avoid exile to England and took the arrival of a theater company to stage the events chronicled by the actors and mobilizing the culprits.
This precipitated the unfortunate end that wants to end the life of the heir, and confusing and macabre fighting with swords and poison potions all come together in a final rite. Original
fantastic and address, to revitalize the richness of the text, a theatrical space where actions by the approach involving the public, very good pace of action and effects, and a meticulous acting.


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